lundi 4 juin 2007

Roasted duck with orange sauce

Ingredients :
2 kg duck
salt and pepper to taste

Sauce :
6 oranges
1 lemon
200ml dry white wine
30ml brown sugar
1 cube of chicken extract
50ml tomato sauce
10ml corn flour mixed with a little water

Method :
Remove all visible ,excess fat from the duck.
Season with paprika, salt and pepper.
Roast for approximately 90 minutes at 180C in a pre-heated oven.
Baste every 15 minutes during the roasting period.
Peel the skin of 2 oranges into thin strips and remove the orange segments (without the white fleshy bits) and place to one side.
Squeeze the juice of the remaining oranges and the lemon into a container.
Make a sauce with the orange rind, the orange and lemon juice, wine, sugar, chicken extract cube and the tomato sauce and simmer in a saucepan for about 10 minutes, thickening the sauce with the corn flour.
Add the orange segments to the sauce and heat.
Pour the sauce over the duck before serving.

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