mercredi 6 juin 2007

Love's Coming

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1855-1919), U.S. poet, journalist

She had looked for his coming as warriors come,
With the clash of arms and the bugle's call;
But he came instead with a stealthy tread,
Which she did not hear at all.

She had thought how his armor would blaze in the sun,
As he rode like a prince to claim his bride:
In the sweet dim light of the falling night
She found him at her side.

She had dreamed how the gaze of his strange, bold eye
Would wake her heart to a sudden glow:
She found in his face the familiar grace
Of a friend she used to know.

She had dreamed how his coming would stir her soul,
As the ocean is stirred by the wild storm's strife:
He brought her the balm of a heavenly calm,
And a peace which crowned her life.

Poetic quotes by the Ella Wheeler Wilcox :

"It has ever been since time began,
And ever will be, till time lose breath,
That love is a mood—no more—to man,
And love to a woman is life or death."
"There is room in the halls of pleasure
For a large and lordly train,
But one by one we must all file on
Through the narrow aisles of pain."

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