mardi 28 août 2007

Orange Cake

by Janet Anderson

Ingredients :
4 eggs

200g sugar
Rind of one orange
240g cake flour
20ml baking powder
2ml salt
5ml vanilla essence
125g butter
250ml milk

Method :
In a saucepan, heat the milk and butter until just before boiling point.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs one by one, adding the sugar slowly
When the egg mixture is light and fluffy, fold in the orange rind.
Sift in the dry ingredients and work the hot milk into the mixture.
The mixture will appear quite thin, but that is how it should be.

Transfer the cake mixture into 2 x 25cm cake tins and bake for 20 - 25 minutes at 180C.
Test with a skewer - cake should still be moist - do not overbake else the cake may become too dry.

Icing :
Beat 100g of margerine, icing sugar, the juice of one small orange and grated orange rind until light and fluffy.

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